Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tiny Needle Tuesday


It took me FOUR episodes of Gilmore Girls to get that yellow/brown area stitched this past week. I spent more time counting than stitching I'm afraid. I'm very close to calling this whole project a big fail but I'm waiting to see if the patterns I ordered from 123 Stitch are any better. If not, I'll have to go stash diving. I've probably got something in there that's better than this.

Dear Jane didn't fare much better. Block D9 is all covered. Now it needs to be sewn together. 

The good news for Dear Jane is that I finished all of the Patchwork of the Crosses blocks. I've got 25 blocks now which is all I need for the main body. I won't start appliqueing them down until I get the Kaffe Fassett Crazy Quilt and the February Quilt out of the sewing room. I've run out of space in there. That will give me more in front of the TV stitching time for Dear Jane. She could use the attention.


  1. The Tea piece looks too fiddly for me...I don't really enjoy doing letters like that. BUT, the colors are pretty together. I'm curious to see/read what you ordered from 123 Stitch.

  2. So many projects and they look great! You really need more hours in a day, or maybe a cook and housekeeper to take care of all the other tasks!

  3. Once you fail at one project, the dominoes start to fall, huh?

  4. That's an interesting stitch project! I love those Crosses blocks. It will be fun to see how they look all put together.

  5. The progress you've made looks good on the cross stitch. I placed an order for 123stitch on Saturday and never received an email confirming it. Last night I checked my card and it was never charged. It disappeared from my cart though. I guess I need to order it again. They're usually pretty good so I'm not sure what happened.
    The crosses blocks turned out so great. You have more patience than I do.

  6. Some projects definitely need a long time out! The crossed star blocks are beautiful!
