Monday, January 20, 2025

Blank Spaces


The Mister on the left, the Dearly Departed on the right

After a few weeks in hospice, we got the call at around 2 am Saturday night that The Mister's younger brother had unexpectedly slipped away. He was in good spirits and doing well according to the visiting nurse when The Mister paid a visit on Friday. To say we're in uncharted territory is an under statement. We've lost parents. We've lost close friends but a sibling, a close sibling are feelings that we haven't processed quite yet. 


  1. I'm so sorry. My family lost our oldest brother to cancer, at age 60 in 2021, just under a year after we lost our Mom.
    Be gentle with yourselves.

  2. Sending my deepest condolences. We are in much the same position, having lost both parents, and my husband lost one sibling decades ago. None of us are getting younger.

  3. So very sorry for your loss. Sending hugs and love across the miles to you and the Mister.

  4. Please give the Mister a big hug from me. So sorry for his loss. I can't imagine losing my brother. We are just now reaching the age where grandparents/aunts/uncles are taking their leave and it's strange.

  5. My condolences to The Mister and to you. It's a hard thing to lose a sibling and I know The Mister is glad he's visited often. I lost a brother to covid, one of the first covid deaths in the country. Dennis lost his his to pancreatic cancer 4 years ago. We were very, very close to Karen and her loss has been greatly felt. You're right, it's completely different than losing parents. My prayers will be with you as this loss is absorbed and a new normal will be felt.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. Oh so sorry to hear. Is this the one that he had a visit with recently? Warm thoughts to all in your home.

    1. Yes, he had been going up once a week to just hang out and found him doing well on Friday which makes it all quite a big shock. We were expecting months and all we got were a few weeks after the diagnosis of lung cancer.

  7. Oh, I am so sorry. Losing a sibling is very different from parents and/or older relatives. Sending lots of good thoughts to you and your husband.

  8. I am very sorry for your loss. God bless you, The Mister, and his brother and family. Take care.

  9. How very awful. Hold tight to one another and to the memories you will always have.

  10. I lost my oldest brother in early December and I continue to grieve, a far different grief than I felt after losing my parents. My prayer is that I soon remember him with smiles instead of tears, and I hope you two can journey to that point too.

  11. My deepest condolences to the Mister, you and all your family. Losing a sibling is a deep kind of sadness. With sympathy, Virginia
