Saturday, January 4, 2025

Alexa Knows Best


Having time in the sewing room while The Mister was away wasn't the only fun I had. In the afternoon I got to sit and knit a bit-uninterrupted. The Regia socks look like this now. 

In the blissful quiet I could do some serious measuring and declare the body of Bon Amie finished. I also started the ribbing for the first sleeve which was a comedy of errors in figuring out the right needle to use. I need a good needle gauge and I'm happy to say one is on the way. 

You wanna see something scary? Look at all those ends to weave in. I put the body on a capped off cable so I can work my way through them little by little. I learned the hard way to never weave them in as I go because it makes ripping back impossible.

One of the Grands wanted a beige pom pom hat and it's now at the top decreases. It took forever for the pom pom making kit to get here. Amazon apparently delivered it to everyone on my street but me and none of my lovely neighbors had the good sense to just stick in my mailbox or walk it down. It kept getting sent back. After 48 hours of being told it was here when it wasn't, I finally got the okay to do a return. The new one took four more days to get here but at least it's finally here. 

I also had an order from Knit Picks show up and am happy to say it was what I expected. I took advantage of the return of Felici and also got some worsted weight yarn for possibly another hat for the pom pom loving Grand. 

And....Alexa kept telling us to expect snow yesterday when no one else did. Not the local weather, not The Weather Channel nor the online weather folks. We thought she had lost her mind. But... as you can see the old girl got it right when no one else did. We even had an emergency alert due to the terrific squall we had. There was thunder and lightening and a lot of wind. It didn't last long but it was glorious. This is what winter is supposed to look like. 


  1. It looks like your day was a very productive. I like the new yarn. I can't believe you didn't have a pom-pom maker. You have everything!
    We're supposed to get snow and ice tomorrow and Sunday. We'll see. Last week it didn't happen and I wish we could avoid it all winter. If I had my choice I'd head south for the winter. :-)

  2. Bitter cold here and windy (still). Snow on the ground and more expected on Monday. Your knitting is gorgeous!!!

  3. You got so much knitting done, and it all looks wonderful. Your knitting is so nice and even that it looks like you already blocked the beige hat. Now I'm off to check out KnitPicks myself.

  4. Oh the knitting looks fantastic. Love your Felici selections. It is so exciting when someone you like actually requests knitting.

  5. Felici is back????? Oh I wish you hand't told me that!!!

  6. Felici is back but now Static is gone. Knit Picks really likes messing with us.
