Thursday, January 9, 2025



The Mister trudged up the driveway yesterday morning to get to the car so he could go check out the town. He made it to the grocery store and post office but came back with the news that nothing else is cleared so there's no place to walk Pup anywhere. This is how we get the groceries down the hill. In the sleds. I feel like a Laplander when we do this. All I need is a reindeer. Sadly, it's been too windy to sleigh ride. Those trees above us are rocking and rolling and I remember all too well what one did to my Mini. Twice. Once a branch went through her sunroof and then an entire tree killed her for good. 

Staying inside is fine with me because all that shoveling in the bright sun and cold wind gave me a terrible migraine. Before it hit in full force I got the snowflake coasters ready to have their binding sewn down when I can see straight again. 

I also got the second row of my crazy quilt attached. This thing is BIG. I want to add a scrappy border all around it so my plans for an easy machine quilting job went right out the window. 

What I have been doing while giving myself a break from any close up work is watching some old home movies I had transferred from VHS years ago. I had them done and never really watched them. The Mister and I both agreed that 1989 was the best year of our lives-minus the questionable hair styles and fashion choices. 

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