Thursday, August 17, 2023

What's For Dinner sure isn't homegrown tomatoes. I didn't put my covers on the other night and the deer made a snack out of all the ones on the vines plus took off the top of most of the vines. I was not happy. 

It particularly stung because I've been seeing all the wonderful garden posts that you all have been putting up lately. 40 years ago (!) that was me in my big beautiful garden in my old house. I had a huge raised bed garden way before they were popular and it produced like crazy. I grew it all. Corn, squash, cucumbers, beans, potatoes and all kinds of tomatoes. I had grape vines and fruit trees. I made jelly, pickles and relish and yes, I had blonde hair and a frizzy perm. After all, it was the 80's.

And my pumpkins....look at those babies. That's Daughter on the left, Step Daughter on the right. We grew everything in those days including kids. We had a house full. 

All hope is not lost. I spied a couple of new tomatoes starting to form that the deer must have missed. They are staying covered up from now on. 

As for dinner.....look what I have. It's our favorite pizza from our old neighborhood. The Mister's friend's mom's funeral was just a few blocks from where my old house and garden used to be so The Mister brought me back a pizza that he picked up after the service. It's not a homegrown tomato but it was just as good as we remembered. 


  1. What a gorgeous garden and cute little girls too! Sorry about your tomatoes. That was the problem we had at the house last year. This year I'm growing nothing at the condo but the community garden behind our building is thriving. Pumpkins like yours are hidden among the myriad of vines. It looks like you may get some tomatoes after all though if you can keep those pesky deer out of them.

  2. Mister done good! That pizza looks delicious.

  3. Oh, bummer about the deer nibbles! They can be brutal to 'our' produce! the blast from the past pics are great!

  4. Oh, I'm so happy you have a tomato! If I could pack up mine and send some to you, I would - and some cucumbers too - I have way too many - lol!

  5. Wow! That was some garden you had - those pumpkins are HUGE!!! Hope your little tomatoes survive and you can enjoy them. Meanwhile, the pizza looks yummy.

  6. Deer sure are a pain, aren't they? This year they ate most of our lilies and now are enjoying snacking on some of our new plants....and then there's the mole that has found easy diggings in that area, too.
