Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Tiny Needle Tuesday


Woo hoo! I've got another chicken. All that yellow was no fun to fill in around those letters but she's done. I also got a few more flowers stitched. 

I started the letters under the Matter's House and added a bit more fencing and started the second tree. That planchette needle minder is the best one I've ever used. It even holds my scissors which is great for when I'm curled up in a corner of the couch and too lazy to reach over....lol.

And......look what I started. Stitching with one hand inside something is very fiddly but not as bad as I thought. I have to use short lengths of floss because I don't have a lot of wiggle room inside the pillow. I tried using a hoop but it left big ridges so I am just holding the material. It's stiff enough to be able to do so.

Look at the amount of yellow. That's one big continuous hank of embroidery floss. It's rather daunting but the actual surface of the whole project isn't nearly as big as other projects I have worked on and the stitches are all quite big. I'm not sure how long this is going to hold my interest but so far, it's been a nice change of pace from my other projects. 


  1. YAY-YAY-YAY for that start!! Your chickens are looking good too - so cute. Matter's Houses would drive me crazy (al that black), but it is a gorgeous design.

  2. Oh, good! The chicken looks good but the pillow--wonderful beginning!

  3. Nice work! I love to see your projects.

  4. I like that little yellow chicken. It's cheerful. I like the pillow so far, but that a LOT of yello!

  5. I love tiny needle Tuesday! xo, V.
