Friday, June 14, 2019

Two Finishes and Some WIPs

 We are done. Finally. I hate to put the stuff back in this room. I love having all this empty space. It's one thing my house doesn't have thanks to my million and one hobbies.

We even have the new shelves up but that's as far as I am going right now. That mess in the living/dining room is overwhelming me at the moment. I need to stop and think before I start just shoving things where they fit. I want it all to make sense this time.

Here are the Hawthorne socks that I finished yesterday. This is the Happy Valley colorway. They are pretty wild.

Here they are with my gift pile for 2019. I've got three more pairs also close to being finished.

I have managed to keep up with a few other things in spite of the clutter and the confusion around here.  The little lace scarf has grown a bit. It's slow going as it has lace rows on both sides.

 The Hitchhiker now was 20 teeth. It looks a bit shabby but I like it. It's a good use for my wonky handspun.  I think the color changes are working really well.

Finally I've got this sweet little dishcloth in progress. This is my stress knit of the moment. Watching all those pretty colors go by is very soothing and in this mess I need all the comfort I can get.


  1. Congratulations! And your socks are really pretty! Liana

  2. You've gotten so much knitting done recently and it is all so pretty. I really like your Hitchhiker. What pattern is your lace scarf?

  3. It's the The Lead or Follow lace scarf.

  4. The floor looks GREAT! And your gift box is filling nicely!

  5. The dishcloth is sweet - I love the colors and can easily see why it is calming to knit. Take some deep breaths and conquer the chaos - one craft at a time.

  6. I love when that dishcloth pattern is finished! I don't enjoy knitting that one, but I love the results! Keep on knitting!

  7. Normally I'm not a fan of yarn pooling but I like the way it worked out with the Hawthorne. Maybe I'm just prejudiced because I love Hawthorne and know you aren't a huge fan. And your Hithhiker - LOVE it! It's so rustic and manly.

  8. What a wonderful closet! And your gift stack of socks is beautiful. There will be some happy recipients when those are gifted.

  9. The lace scarf is gorgeous. Love the yarn.
    Your handspun is perfect for the Hitchhiker.
    Your gift pile is impressive. Mine isn't nearly that big and I have lots to make by Christmas.
    Love the dishcloth. It's my favorite pattern to make.
    And finally. Your craft room will be amazing. Love the shelves and all of the space. You'll make it great!

  10. I am envious of those yellow crocs, I have some different colors but not yellow! Your projects are coming along nicely!

  11. I love empty, too! But I like filled but organized craft rooms the best!
    Great job on the knits-gift piles of socks, shawls and dishcloths!
