Saturday, June 8, 2019

Holy Guacamole

 Remember that avocado soap I made last week? It was a big fail. That's it on the right. See that dark ring in the middle? That means it cooled off too soon while the lye was doing its thing. It doesn't hurt the soap. It's still safe to use but it's ugly. The jewelweed soap on the left is how it's supposed to look if you keep your temperatures even. I blame the AC. It was hot that day. Really hot.

 I hated it so I grated it up.

 I had the idea of using it for more avocado soap.

 It wasn't too promising in the molds....

....but it turned out pretty interesting. In six weeks I'll know if it was worth the effort. I sure hope it was because I have a whole lot of it.


  1. Looks like your "save" just might have worked.

  2. I bet it is so soft and wonderful to use.

  3. I love your experiments! The cat stamped in the soap is so cute.

  4. If you can't make lemons ... hmnmn. I can't think of how to adapt that. But your save sure looks pretty.

  5. I really like your save with the sparkle on the top. You have the most interesting ideas.

  6. It looks like tiny leaves inside. Lovely! Liana

  7. The bar of soap, both and before and after, looks great!
