Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday: Home!


It's funny how doing nothing for three days can make you so tired. I'm back home now but I'm worn to a nub. The Mister is now gung ho on getting the lower level painted but I need a day or so to recover from my "vacation". In all that quiet time I made a lot of progress on Sheep Heap. The second little sheep has now joined the party.

Over the long weekend I stitched down two more February blocks. I think I only have two more to do now before I can start assembling the top.

I found the time to also get a head start on the little hexies that will go in the center of the last two blocks. But...as much fun as this project has been, I think it's going on the back burner while I make some headway on the new hexie project. 

It's a race now to see how many I can get done before my sister gets back from her big roadtrip. Three weeks and counting starting tomorrow.


  1. The sheep look great! ice progress. I like those new hexies a lot - pretty fabrics.

  2. There is nothing like a deadline to jump-start a project! I can just imagine you unfolding your new hexie project and exclaiming, "Ta-da!" when your sister returns. Painting can wait!

  3. Sheep Heap is really coming along.

  4. Looks like you made some wonderful progress!

  5. The additional sheep is adorable! I always need a day or two to get back into the normal of my regular days after being away !

  6. It's true: you sometimes need a day to rest from a vacation.
