Thursday, April 18, 2024

A Fool's Errand


I went to the hardware store to get some dirt to plant a pink rose bush I bought on Monday and came home with all of this. Deer food I suppose but I can't help myself. 

I had a bunch of black pots from when I planted all the shrubs earlier this year so I am tucking all the annuals in them and putting them in among my poor disfigured hostas. 

This is another experimental year. My neighbor cut down all her trees so now we get more sun than we ever have. I tried tomatoes last year but the deer ate those too. They usually leave the plants up close to the house alone until late summer so I'm hoping my pots of pretties survive. If not, it's another lesson learned. 

They don't usually come up on the porch so the leftovers went in small pots. If this works, I'll buy some pretty pots for next year. Right now I'm using whatever I had in the shed.

Some things I planted years ago are coming up I am happy to say. I bought these at the MDSW one year and the deer don't seem to like them. They've spread quite nicely.

I also remember planting these bulbs. They were a surprise to see pop up this week since I usually associate them with early spring. I want more but can't figure out what they are. Any ideas?  They are very small.


  1. I think they are Star of Bethlehem.

  2. I do hope the deer leave your annuals alone! I especially like the orange and pink combination. I'm not a wildflower expert but I think the one you got at MDSW might be a heart-leaved foamflower. My grandmother always called the other white one with six distinct petals Star of Bethlehem. They are both quite pretty!

  3. Dee is right - your little white flowers are Star of Bethlehem - and they are the bane of my gardening existence! They are very pretty - but here they are EVERYWHERE!!!! I'll be digging those bulbs out of the catio garden for ages. I haven't even attempted getting them out of the woodland garden - but I will be soon! They multiply very easily - and the good news for you - they are deer-resistant!

  4. Oof those deer. I hope they stay far far away!

  5. I've had marigolds at the lake and in our yard at the house here in Omaha. The deer don't seem to like them at all. I even had geraniums in pots one year at the lake and they left them alone. I hope all goes well and they leave your pretties alone.

  6. I love the pops of color you have tucked in everywhere! Very pretty!
