Saturday, April 27, 2024

Home Alone


I packed up the craft room all week and yesterday I packed myself up. I was off to Daughter's to kitty sit until Monday while her family is off to an ice skating competition with her high school team. 

After unpacking I am always totally discombobulated by all the quiet.  A cup of tea, my little radio and throwing myself into a project right away helps. I brought along the February quilt to applique. There's a lot of sunlight in the breakfast nook so I spent the afternoon happily stitching two whole blocks down. It's amazing what you can do when you are not constantly interrupted.

In all that wonderful quiet there are still the eyes....all those kitty eyes staring at me from all corners of the place to deal with. They are never sure what to make of me nor I of them. We keep our distance and it seems to work out. would have been my mom's 87th birthday. She left us at 66 after a short battle with a particularly nasty form of leukemia. I can't help but think about how different my life would have been if she was still here. Those long, hard years with dad would have been her burden not mine or my sister's and she would have handled it with much more grace than I did. She was a young mother at 17 but didn't live to see a great grandchild. I've been through every stage of grief over the loss of my parents but the one that stuck is anger. Not at anyone or anything-just because.


  1. It's weird to think about what our parents would be like were they still here, isn't it? Mine would be in their 90s.

  2. You sure do look like your Mom!!!! I hope you have a restful time cat sitting!

  3. That's something that I rarely see addressed - anger at death. I get the just because part. My mother retired from her job, promptly got breast cancer, and was gone within a year. She had so many retirement plans and couldn't do any of them.
    But your applique setup at daughter's looks lovely, bright, and peaceful. Enjoy the quiet!

  4. This time of year (pre-Mother's Day) is always a challenging time. I hope you have a lovely kitty experience.

  5. It looks like a wonderful place to rest, relax and just do YOU! Love all of the kitty eyes. :-)
    My Mom would have been 102 this year and died at 67. Believe me, I know that anger. Especially with people who don't understand the gift it is to have your parents. I also know it can be a burden at times. We're living that now. But I still like having her with us.
    More storms on the way for this afternoon. It's very humid and you can feel both warm breezes and cool ones at the same time. Wierd. It could be a nasty evening.
    Enjoy your quiet time.
