Tuesday, January 30, 2018

All is Well-Sort Of....

Oh, dear....I was afraid if I didn't have a post today that everyone would freak out again so I am using The Mister's laptop to let you know I'm fine but my Asus Chromebook is not. It shut down yesterday and won't come back on. I think I've gotten my $127 worth out of it so I guess I'm going to just trash it and order another. Until it gets here, I'll be happily packing soap and doing all the other things I usually do. The only difference is that you won't he hearing about it for a bit-at least until I figure this glitch out. It's always something.
TTYL......I hope!

PS: I can still get to Ravelry on my phone so I can still get your soap messages. There's plenty to go around so don't be shy.


  1. Oh no! Sorry about the computer issues. Those are never any fun.

  2. Dang...I hate it when that happens but on the brite side....now you get a brand new one. That's always fun!

  3. Thanks for letting us know; you are a regular daily stop in my "web walk" every morning! Stay well and enjoy picking out a new laptop!

  4. We get so used to our technology don't we? I d say you got your moneys worth! I'd love the heart soap. Please please

  5. Computers can be frustrating. I hope you like your new one.

  6. I don't like change as much as you'd think, but I like new technology with no issues. Yay laptops!

  7. I can relate-I did manage to get a new laptop just a day before my old one crashed with one final gasp so I did get to transfer all the goods! Such a pain though!
