Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wednesday Wanderings


Pup and I got up at 4 am yesterday morning to watch the Spain/Sweden World Cup semi final. It was going to be another blistering hot day so as soon as the game was over and the sun was up we took her for her walk. 

We went to the aptly named Sunrise park across from the boardwalk and I got some knitting done while Pup lolled around in the shade. 

We could hear music playing in the distance so I wandered over to the water and spotted the guy with the clarinet serenading the dude on the paddle board. Interesting especially at such an early hour.

The sea birds also lined up to enjoy the concert. The guy was very good. The city should pay him to do this all the time. 

Back at home we had a miserable time putting up the first of two fans that have to be replaced in the lower level. I broke the chain one of the old ones last week and we tried to fix the chain with a replacement part but it didn't work. It was time to replace them with something more modern anyway but it was no fun. We only got one done before I cried uncle. Getting up at 4 makes me crabby and wiring is just too fiddly when you're not in the mood. The Mister has a funeral to attend today for a friend's mom and a doctor's appointment on Thursday so we'll knock that other one out on Friday.


  1. Good luck with the second fan. How cool to hear a clarinet player at the beach. I would love that.

  2. Getting up that early would kill me!!! And then trying to do electrical... no thank you! I try to get Dave to do electrical stuff when other people are here (my Dad, or my best friend's husband) so I don't have to be involved! Lol

  3. Working overhead is hard, too! That is my biggest complaint about replacing fans! lol The water looks very calm.

  4. I rarely get out to enjoy early morning hours, but when I do love the stillness before everyone rushes off to work.

  5. Now a clarinetist is something you would NOT expect. LOL

  6. That pup of yours sure it cute! Nice work on the sock; I love the color.
