Thursday, August 10, 2023

By Request


I left a comment on Vera's TNT post about the cross stitch kit my son and DIL brought me back from China the year after their wedding when they visited her parents. She asked if I would show it off so here it is. 

I was saying that the kit was so pretty that I had never even considered using it. I just like taking it out from time and time and looking at it. I'm that way with kits. Knitting kits, quilt kits, sewing kits....I am obsessive about collecting them just to have them. I know, weird. 

In my defense, look at this gorgeous thing. It's a large roll pillow with the stitching in the middle and beautiful floral satin on each end.

With tassels! 

This is the pattern. I don't know how to go about stitching something like this on the inside of a pillow. I'm not sure how that works. The cross stitch fabric does have a grid to help you keep your place. I like that. Maybe I should give it another look. If I don't it'll be just one more thing my family will have to deal with one day. Maybe 2024 will be the year of the kits. 


  1. That is gorgeous. It deserves its time in the sun.

  2. Thank you!!! It is gorgeous and I think you should do it - definitely!!! We will all cheer you on.

  3. It’s beautiful. I hope you find a way to work on it. Perhaps Mailing’s mother can read the directions to see if some tips are given.

  4. Well, this is a thing of beauty! I bet you can figure it out!
