Friday, April 18, 2014

Day By Day

I have been doing the night shift with Daddio but neither of us get much sleep. As soon as the sun starts to go down his behavior becomes odd. Doctors call this "sundowning". People suffering from dementia, no matter how mild (such as Daddio's case), become agitated at night and fight sleep. He falls into his only really deep sleep of the day just when the sun comes up over the bay. Exhausted from a night of trying to convince him to rest, I finally get a few hours of peace.

While waiting for Middle Sister to come and take over the day shift, I've been working on this old thing. We started this yo-yo pillow a long time ago and making more yo-yo's for a few minutes a day has been something to look forward to.

We've got a big stash of orphan charm squares that are perfect for the job.

It's the sewing equivalent to rows and rows of mindless garter stitch. I'm still churning out dish cloths but I can knit those in the dark in the middle of the night. I can't sew until the sun comes up.

These little things are so cute. I'm not sure how I am going to end this project when the pillow top is finally full. I'll just have to worry about that another day.


  1. I admire the way you are handling this time in your life. Continuing to pray strength for all.

  2. Beauty from from such a rough will need to rest yourself, you know!?!

  3. I hope you're able to get some rest during the day. I love the yo-yo pillow and the lovely fabric patterns and colors.
