Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easters Past

 There's not much in the way of Easter going on over at Daddio's so coming up with a post for today was a challenge. While he was napping, I took a peek in a box of photo's and papers that had been stashed away in his hall closet.

I found a poem I had written in 6th grade and printed up in a booklet by my teacher. That typo should say "on the wing" and not "on the run". Apparently my teacher knew nothing about rhymes.

I think that's me in my Easter bonnet with my diaper on display. Anyone remember rubber pants? I must have been going somewhere I didn't want to go. I have no idea who the headless woman is behind me. My mother would never have worn a dress like that so I know it's not her.

 That's my grandmother on Easter on her way out to services at Brentwood Methodist Church, I'm guessing. We called her Meme. She was always a looker. I wish I had inherited that tall, thin body. My daughter did.

 I have no idea who these kids are but they have nice Easter baskets.

 That's me again dressed up for egg hunting. That car tells you how old I am. So does the printing on the side of the photo.

 More strange kids and more really nice baskets. I love cellophane wrapped baskets.

I do know that this is my father's sister Sara Jane in her Easter bonnet. He always called her Esther for no good reason, even though she hated it. We called her Aunt Esther until the day she died and she let us because we didn't know any better having been raised by her idiot brother. True story.

Happy Easter everyone!


  1. What treasures! Good advice-my mom got to sit with my Gram and write down on the backs of all her pics so we would have a record! Happy Easter!

  2. Ohhhhhh that headless rubber pant description was hysterical

  3. I think your aunt is holding you.
