Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday WIPs


Nothing is very interesting knit wise this week but I do have a new project box started in the sewing room. I'm going to try to build a purple cupcake dress. 

This one to be exact. 

Taylor Barbie needs to get out of her Grammy gown and I found this Barbie pattern book on Amazon. 

I also found someone on Etsy that sells vintage doll patterns. Poor Skipper needs some clothes that fit and are age appropriate. She's wearing Barbie's old hand me downs and looks rather sad in them. 

I've also been obsessed with finding those teeny tiny Barbie buttons. These are not quite them but I'm getting closer. 

I decided, against my better judgement, to try my hand at making doll clothes after this debacle. I was doing so well getting some quality things from Ebay and then not once but twice I was sent the wrong dress. This was supposed to be a small party dress for Skipper and twice I got the same big Barbie dress from the same vendor. I give up. I'll make my own.


  1. I like the purple fabrics you chose and those little buttons are adorable. Taylor Barbie is going to be resplendent in her purple cupcake dress!

  2. I can't imagine sewing something that small. I'll be following along with your progress.

  3. Good luck! I don't sew but if I did I'm sure I couldn't do anything that tiny!

  4. Better you than me!! I would not have the patience for doll clothes.

  5. Oops...I'm the one with no patience!!

  6. You will have the best dressed Barbie and Skipper in town! Those patterns are great!

  7. I remember making doll clothes

  8. I remember making doll clothes many years ago. Since you are so proficient with the Dear Jane blocks, you will probably excel with doll clothes. Looking forward to seeing your creations.

  9. Oh - you're making me want to pull out all my Barbies and play!

  10. I hope it goes well!!!! Nice pattern and fabrics you've chosen!
