Monday, June 17, 2024

A Father's Day Quilting Bee


Little Sister had two containers filled with Dad's hexies. There are hundreds of them in there. I was shocked.  

She wanted to turn them into a quilt so she came down for the weekend and we set up an assembly line like we used to when Dad was still with us. My two sisters manned the machines while I did the cutting. 

We got this far before we got too tired and silly. We'll finish the top today-if we can stop laughing long enough. 

And today is Middle Sister's birthday. I wish I could remember how old she will be but I've forgotten because I am older and can't remember much of anything anymore. Beatles lyrics I can remember. Anything anyone just told me-forget about it. No recall at all. 


  1. Great job on the quilt, looks amazing….great laughter with sister, the best!😂😂Virginia

  2. What a lovely way to use the hexies, put together a quilt top, and spend time with your sister. You clearly remember how to sew!

  3. What a treat to have a sewing weekend-all three of you!!!! A nice way to remember your Dad!

  4. What a wonderfully fun weekend with the three of you together. That is one great photo too. But best of all, it's good to know that I'm not alone in remembering things. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. What fun! I hope you can get it done!
