Monday, June 24, 2024

Radio Days


I had promised myself a weekend off. I was going to NOT pick up a project and just SIT on the couch and watch junk TV all day. I NEVER do that. The thing is that Comcast had a huge outage here. NO TV. NO INTERNET-no nothing. All darn weekend. All that quiet was nerve wracking I finally got out my little radio and surfed the channels like I was 13 again. It was interesting. There's some weird stuff on the airwaves these days. My favorite was finding a Spanish language station that was having an Eric Clapton night and listening to the DJ trying to explain the Clapton/Harrison/Boyd love triangle after playing Layla.

I used to love my little transistor radio. I also had a big radio that could get shortwave stations. I used to love listening to French language Canada. Note it on my dresser with a coat hanger antenna. Classy, huh? If my sister is reading this post, that is the butterfly quilt I was talking about. My great grandmother made it for my mother and I adopted it and used it to tatters as you can see. Just looking at that room now makes me cringe. I've never been very good at that interior decorating thing and I suppose it started early. 
I'm happy to say all our tech stuff was restored by late Sunday afternoon so I did get some of my weekend off with junk TV...along with a lot of cooking and cleaning and laundry....sigh.


  1. Frustrating when cable goes out. Did you have storms? I wish we would get some rain.

  2. It won't be the first time that people have cursed Comcast! But it did provide some quiet that you used in an interesting way. I listen to NPR on the radio in the kitchen when I'm working there but I'm almost afraid of what I might find on AM stations. I love Layla in all its iterations but now I need to go look up this love triangle you mentioned. I'm clueless!

  3. An outage is such a strange gap in our usual 'taken-for-granted' tech days!!!! Nice to see the cozy room-great quilt and the bits of personality you've hung on the walls! I loved my transistor radio, too!

  4. It is always SO QUIET when the the internet and cable go out.

  5. I loved listening to my transistor radio at night, too. KOMA out of Oklahoma only came in a night and it was a favorite of most teens at the time.

  6. What I wouldn't give to hear that "Layla" conversation...

    I have a sleep sounds app on my phone, and one of the sounds is

  7. radio static. It's oddly comforting.

  8. I love that room! Adorable. xo, Virginia

  9. Your room looks much like mine did as a child. The thought of making it look nice, as in decorated, never crossed my mind. If it was neat and clean, my Mom was happy and so was I.
