Saturday, June 29, 2024

A Star is Born

The local DC news channel sent a crew down yesterday to spend the morning on the beach hanging out with residents and letting the business show themselves off. It was a lot of fun to watch....from home. For me at least. That's The Mister at the top of the photo in a green shirt and hat. I knew he'd figure out a way to be on camera so I was ready to snap a photo of him when he did. By all accounts he had a really good time. 

I was home doing this but don't feel sorry for me. It's what I wanted to do. Standing out in the hot sun never sounds fun to me especially the morning after I got stung 3 times by a wasp that went down my shirt. In my kitchen. While I was cooking dinner. I'm a sore, itchy mess but at least I can still paint. Somebody's got to get it done. That's me standing on the wood stove getting the molding painted around it. The Mister thought he was funny taking that photo. I confess....I did crop out my big

So how did that wasp get down my shirt you may ask? I went up to the mailbox to get a package that Amazon dropped off and it must have hitched a ride in my hair. I felt it walk down my neck and I couldn't get it before it went down my shirt. In my total freak out of ripping off my clothes, it stung me twice on the chest and once on my arm. Dam stupid wasp.



  1. You anticipating your husband finding a way to get on camera is funnier than getting stung three times by a wasp. Keep slathering on the cortisone. (I like your tie-dye bandanna!)

  2. Reading about the wasp is making me shudder. Feel less itchy soon!

  3. OOF SORRY about the wasp stings. They're awful!

  4. I think I'd have chosen painting over standing out in the heat too. I'm so sorry about the stings. Wasps are evil!
