Look what we found on the beach yesterday. It's the headless dragon boats. They'll put the heads on tomorrow for the race. It's a huge event here every year but we're going to miss it. We've got babysitting duty this weekend while SIL is in Chicago for work.
The crew was all in a panic when we got there yesterday because the pink boat needed to get bailed out. The crew was having to move all the boats because the tide was higher than expected and threatening to swamp them all. Not good.
The other half of the beach was closed off because the horseshoe crabs are a little late this year in coming ashore to do their reproducing thing. It's usually in May. The moon and the tides have to be just right for romancing it seems. With all this going on in town, it's going to be an interesting day tomorrow.
How fun to live so close to the Bay and have all of these activities throughout the year. I can imagine the panic when they thought all of the boats would be full of water. Not good for a race! Have fun babysitting. That's better any day than watching a race isn't it? Blessings, Betsy
It's a shame you'll miss the convergence of dragon boats, horseshoe crabs, and tourists!
ReplyDeleteHow fun to live so close to the Bay and have all of these activities throughout the year. I can imagine the panic when they thought all of the boats would be full of water. Not good for a race! Have fun babysitting. That's better any day than watching a race isn't it?
Are the dragons headless, or are the boats headless? 😉
ReplyDeleteLove seeing the headless dragon boats!
ReplyDeleteSorry 'we' are going to miss it, too! Have a good time babysitting.