My adventures in dyeing took a slight turn for the better this week, when I managed to produce something that is not too bad. I took my time and made some samples before I just dumped dye all over the unsuspecting 4 ounces of Polwarth.

I tried to leave a little room for the dye to mix and mingle, as I know it does once it hits the steam pot but I misjudged how much room I needed so I ended up with too much white.

The day was hot and sunny so after only an hour or two I had lots of dry fiber to take photos of.

I am not hating how it turned out, but I am not completely loving it either. The olive green, pink and gold are certainly more subtle than the neon colorways I usually churn out, but it is still lacking the intensity that I see in the fiber I buy from the professional dyers.

I still have 4 more ounces of this left so next time may just be the charm. In the meantime, this will make a pair of perfectly fine old socks.
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