This past weekend while playing with my stash of unwashed fleece, I remembered I also had a spinning project that needed another batt. I had started a card-as-you-go pair of socks where I completely misjudged how much yarn a few little batts would yield. I bought some washed Corriedale to complete the project but although I gave it my best effort, I could only use a small fraction of the tangled up mess. I spent a hot afternoon with a lap full of wool trying to salvage what I could.

I had to pick extremely small bits to run through the carder in order to avoid all the broken pieces and lumps.

I managed to get a small lumpy batt, but only after breaking into my stash of really good Corriedale that I had washed myself last summer. The rest of that awful stuff is getting dumped in the woods where I hope some little critter finds it more useful than I did.
It looks like you have a Dolly Parton wig on your lap!