Monday, November 13, 2023

The Third Time


Instead of picking up and knitting the front bands on the Big Gray Blob while The Mister was busy watching football, I spent yesterday ripping out all the ribbing on the body-for the THIRD TIME. My knitting alarm had been going off for weeks about that ribbing and I couldn't ignore it any longer. The stockinette above it puckered. Badly. I had gone down too many needle sizes this time and it looked terrible. At first I thought I would try to block it out but thought better of it. It just made more sense to do it right and get it over with. I told myself I'm not allowed to knit anything but this ribbing until I get it finished. That'll teach me. 

Down in the soap room things were going better. Cinnamon Stick turned out just lovely. I had my doubts about the fragrance but it does indeed smell just like cinnamon. 

I had a little too much fun with Avocado and Hemp.

This should be another interesting reveal. 


  1. Sorry about the blob! Your soaps sure are pretty!!

  2. I've ignored my knitting alarms many times while I just kept knitting. "That will block out" is rarely true. The swirls in the cinnamon soap are lovely!
