Sunday, November 5, 2023

Misery Loves Company


Well, so much for a weekend down in the soap room. I went down there for about an hour yesterday morning and came upstairs to find The Mister sacked out on the couch moaning and groaning about being hungry and needing to take his pain meds. This is the same man who was making a sandwich that would have made Dagwood proud just the night before. He doesn't mind if I am out raking leaves but apparently he goes into some sort of relapse if I want to do something that I want to do. The guilt is laid on pretty thick...sigh.

I did get nine jars worth of oils and butters weighed out which will speed up the process when I do get started. Hopefully today I can get in there and weigh out all the lye when he plops downstairs to watch football. I need my wits about me when I do that so I need him fed, burped and put down for a nap. Men (insert eye roll here).


  1. You made me laugh my friend. I have the opposite guy. He's trying to make me feel like there is nothing wrong with him and he can do anything he likes. I had to practically tie him down to keep him off a ladder painting with his one good hand. Obviously there is no hand left to hold onto the ladder. I refused to even let him near any painting supplies. There is nothing that can't wait a few weeks. He wants everything looking nice before our son and family arrive from London in a week and a half since they've never seen the condo. I keep telling him that they don't care at all. Men! (insert eye roll here) Ha!

  2. Well... looks like he's enjoying his quilt!

  3. He looks pretty comfy to me! I sure wish I could watch you make your pretty soaps.

  4. I prefer to be in my room but my DH likes to be ill in the middle of the house so you have to tip-toe around him, too! Sorry.
