Sunday, November 26, 2023

November Finishes


Ta da....the giant Regia man socks are done..... are these itty bitty Felici lady socks. I used the smaller of the size 1 needles for some odd reason and they came out pretty tiny. 

Here's my grand total for the year. Nine pair in the gift box and one pair that I made for myself last summer. Ten pair is not too bad. I was going for 12 but considering the year I've had it's a wonder I got any finished. 

There won't be anymore socks on the needles until January. I've got to finish Number 24 and......

...the Big Gray Blob first. 

The problem is that I have to have some travel knitting because sometimes I sit in the car for a long time waiting for The Mister to get out of therapy. Pup and I usually walk for the hour and then head back to the place in time to pick him up but last Friday I sat 45 minutes after pick up time waiting for them to get done. If I hadn't had those man socks with me to finish I would have lost my mind. None of my other projects are very travel friendly so I guess that Riddari sleeve is going in the bag for any knitting emergency that may arise. 


  1. Nine pairs of socks is fantastic Debbie! I made seven this year and thought that I was doing well, but I just can't keep up with you.
    I don't have any travel knitting on the go right now either. I wasn't planning to make the kids socks for next year because I thought they have plenty for now. However, when Alex and "T" opened theirs they were both so excited. Alex said that he looks forward to them every year so I guess I'll keep going for now.
    Number 24 is coming along well. Almost one sleeve done. Yay!
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. That is a great number of socks for this year--I didn't do well at sock knitting at all! I love the socks on the bottom right of the photo!

  3. It is always good to have emergency knitting with you.

    The socks finishes are beautiful. The top socks in this post look like there is a cloud filled sky in the blue parts. Very pretty.

  4. Excellent sock finishes! You finished more than I did this year!

  5. That is a terrific batch of socks! I think it's necessary to be prepared and have emergency knitting with you at all times.
