Saturday, November 4, 2023

Graduation Day


Hallelujah! Yesterday morning was our LAST home therapy visit. In addition to everything else I've been doing around here, I've had to get up early three times a week and clean the heck out the house to get it presentable and not smelling like a giant kitty box. I find it very stressful especially since my house is in a shambles so The Mister can maneuver around with his walker and have comfortable places to land. On top of everything I haven't been able to vacuum since the surgery since you know who can't stand the sound of it. I spend all day sweeping and dust mopping cat hair. On Monday I drop The Mister off at out patient therapy and I'm coming home and vacuuming the heck out of the place. 

More good news is while he was working The Mister out today I got a chance to get down into the soap room and at least get everything cleaned and organized before I had to go back out and attack the leaves. 

Speaking of leaves....all I left for today is this pile to rake up and drag into the woods but I'm not exactly doing a happy dance because.....

....there's still an awful lot of leaves left up there to come down. I may have won the battle but I'm far from winning the war. Damn trees. 


  1. I honestly don't know how you're keeping up with everything. Maybe I've just gotten lazier as I've gotten older, but just reading all of that exhausts me. Yay, for no more home visits!

  2. I well remember the 3x a week visits from home health aids when Bill had the last surgery. Not a great memory. (I use Tidy Cat cat litter--absolutely no dust or aromas!)

  3. Sounds like you had a good day! Lots of leaves to come here, and they are all very soggy and hard to rake.

  4. When trees were evolving, apparently oak trees did not get the memo that they were supposed to drop ALL their leaves in the fall.
