Friday, September 25, 2015

Pokeberry Adventure Part 1

 Every morning, all summer, Pup and I have been walking past lots and lots of pokeberry plants.

Every morning I think about dyeing something with them.

 I was waiting for most of them to get ripe but I noticed they were starting to shrivel so I started picking. In spite of wearing gloves, I somehow still ended up pink. The plant is poisonous according to internet sources so I washed that off right away.

 Back at home I went on a search to find something to dye. I discovered these orphaned batts stuffed away. I have no idea what they are or why I carded them in the first place so they seemed like a good candidate for possibly ruining.

Now I'm off to turn those berries into dye. Good times!


  1. Poisonous to eat, but not fatal. ou might get sick to your stomach. My Dad called them deadly purple nightshade so that we wouldn't eat them when we were kids.

    1. I was scared off them the same way when I was a kid-probably more for the mess they would make than how sick we would get.

  2. I have tons of those bushes here, too, so I want to see how this experiment turns out!

  3. Oh I like the sound of this berry dye !! Can't wait to see the outcome

  4. Wow - after reading up on them, I wouldn't be going near them with a ten-foot pole.. but that's just me and my history with poisonous plants! they willl probably make a beautiful dye.

    1. I am treating them with the utmost respect. I told myself that the Jacquard dye I usually use is not exactly healthy either. Lye,'s a wonder I'm still alive.

  5. You're so funny Araignee. I am excited to see the adventures of the pokeberry (which I've never heard of either) unfold. But yeah, keep it safe lady. We like you.
