Monday, October 15, 2012

Rainy Day Carding

It only seemed fitting that since I washed my newest fleece on a gray and drizzly day, that I would pick a similar day to card it. Truthfully, I had put it atop the highest thing in the house to dry and forgot about it.

 First I flicked open some of the pretty Corrie/Cormo/Border Leicester locks. I was pleasantly surprised by the giant fuzzy explosion.

Since my wheels are all full at the moment, I used one of my smaller drop spindles to spin a tiny sample from a few locks. It was really too slippery to be spun this way. It was a rather unpleasantly fiddly spinning experience because it has little crimp once it is combed.

Since combing didn't work, I stuffed some in the drum carder.

Out came the most lovely little batt which I divided into two halves to pull out into spinning nests. Sadly, this is as far as I could go until I get a free wheel. Since I am really anxious to see how this turns out, I really need to get moving on those other projects.


  1. I hope to get a drum carder someday, I love your little nests.

  2. What a lovely natural colour - I'm a sucker for off-white!
