Friday, June 9, 2023



We were stuck in the house all day yesterday because of the smoke. You can just see it over top of our trees. 

Down in our hole it looked clear but when I walked up to the top of the driveway to take up the recycling and collect the mail I was shocked at the haze. I also ended up with a sore throat and cough because I didn't think to wear a mask like the news kept telling us to do. 

I dropped The Mister off at therapy and then came home. No long walks for Pup in this soupy mess. We were under a code purple. I've never even heard of a code purple but it's worse than red they say. Yikes.

It was a good day to stay inside because.......MY WASHER IS FIXED! I have baskets and buckets of laundry all over the house to get caught up with because for the past few days the poor thing sounded awful and I didn't want to make it worse before the repair guy could get here with the new parts. He was in and out in 10 minutes and it's now working like a charm. I've never been so excited to do laundry...woo (cough, cough) hoo!


  1. I had heard that the haze was as far down as Norfolk, so not surprised that you are seeing it too. I sure hope it ends soon. Glad your washer is fixed!

  2. Yay for a working washer! No more buckets in the tub. I'm so sorry about the smoke. We had it a couple of weeks ago and it was awful. Every summer we dealt with it in Washington. Use lots of eye drops if you can. It does help.

  3. Sorry you’re dealing with the wildfire smoke. In recent years, it’s common throughout the summer in Wyoming.

  4. Well - at least the washer is working. We got a little bit of smoke the other day but its cleared out again. Even that small amount upset my asthma...definitely would have a hard time with what you are getting

  5. We had haze like that a few years agio, and it's no fun. It must be nice to have your washing machine working again. We sure depend on them, don't we?

  6. I can't believe you are getting smoke from fires that are northeast of Val! Crazy wind currents! Very happy for you to be able to do laundry without the drama again!

  7. Here is the EPA’s Air Quality Index (AQI) online website.
