Better late than never. I finally got those Merino locks to dry for the Yarnspinner's Tales April Spin Along.

The second washing produced something that could easily be spun from the lock. I didn't have to comb or flick them open, just remove a few outer layers of fuzzy stuff and then pull apart the fiber just enough to let it draft easily.

Before I knew it, the lock was gone. What a difference a clean lock makes. And to think I spent almost a year struggling with the sticky locks while thinking it was my spinning and not the locks that were to blame. Thank you, Yarnspinner!

I also finished up the singles from the March Spin Along. By studying the way singles behave in different circumstances, I learned a lot about producing a strong, balanced 1 ply. This little Shetland skein is far from perfect but I do seem to be heading in the right direction.
People complain left right and centre about the time spent in preparation - but they don't get quite how important it is, and also how much it adds to the pleasure.
ReplyDeleteLove the crimp in your fibre... and love the outcome...
hugs Shani