Sunday, January 14, 2024

Winter Wonderland


Winter hasn't shown up here quite yet but I do have some winter soap to giveaway. All three of these are mildly scented. Peppermint speaks for itself. Winter Wonderland and Mistletoe are slightly piney. 

Avocado and Hemp is a remake from my last giveaway and slightly citrus. Lavender and Sage is rather a bold scent-mostly lavender. Persephone's Kiss is a remake and a milder version of the original which is pleasingly floral.

These three are the boldest-scent wise. One is the original Persephone's Kiss which is also wildly colored. Three Wise Men is very exotic and a bit musky. Comfort and Joy smells like a highly spiced warm winter punch. 

Harlequin Romance is supposedly apricot and geranium. I don't know about that but I like it. Lemon and Honey is not terribly lemony but nice. Avocado Butter is made with avocado oil and avocado butter-no hemp. It smells fresh and has a rich lather as does Lemon and Honey. They were the last bars I made so I think I overloaded them with creamy additives which is not, it seems, a bad thing. 

My barely scented ones are Cinnamon Stick, Vanilla Bean and Oatmilk & Vanilla. The top two have flecks of real vanilla in them. Plain Ole Goat is unscented and not terribly pretty. It gelled (got darker) in the center which annoys the heck out of me but doesn't affect its use

I didn't make as many unscented bars as I usually do. I got carried away with all the new winter scents but I do have several bars of unscented Oatmilk left over for anyone who likes their soap scent free-like I do. It's very mild and gentle. 

There is also some unscented Triple Butter Face Bars. They are slightly dusted with powdered vanilla but that should wash off with your first use. I had so much of it floating around the soap room that it landed everywhere it seems. These bars are bigger than the face bars I usually make and will count as a second choice since I can only get two bars in the mailers. 

So....send me your first three choices and your mailing details-no strings attached and I'll see that you get TWO of them over the next few weeks. Over on the sidebar you have two ways to contact me, Ravelry or through my soap Gmail account. 

If you want more details on any one soap you can see it all being made in my November posts if you scroll through.

Thanks in advance for helping me clear my shelves.......there's SPRING soap to be made!


  1. Your generousity knows no bounds Debbie. These are all so pretty. You did a beautiful job wrapping them.
