Thursday, January 11, 2024

A Big Clean Up


My house didn't need a blessing yesterday. It needed an exorcism. Thankfully, the only damage that was done during the big storm on Tuesday, besides a few big limbs coming down, was the mess The Mister and I made in the house. It's always like a free for all around here when we have to hunker down in the lower level. The big wind came at dinner time and since I didn't want to be upstairs cooking we had a picnic with the air fryer in the man cave. 

That morning I had made some lentil soup in my new rice cooker and it turned out perfectly. It can't make rice worth beans-it burns on the bottom but it does make a good quick soup. I'm trying these split peas next. 

The Mister had early morning therapy yesterday and found the main roads in town closed from all the flooding. He had to circle around away from the bay to get there. I stayed home because the gutter people were supposed to come out. I also had tons of laundry to do from all the bed clothes we drug downstairs. Stupid me accidentally washed a pair of my favorite socks in the washer and put them in the dryer. Size wise they should be okay but they've lost their newly knit glow. 

After giving my vacuum and mop a good work out I found some time to sit at the loom while The Mister was still out. I had opened the windows and was enjoying the cool, dry air. Just as I was feeling all smug about how well this pattern was going I found a big boo boo. Rip, rip, rip. It was an easy fix but it just goes to prove that pride really does goeth before the fall. At least for me anyway. 

By the time The Mister got home, the gutters had been cleaned and the waters had receded enough that we could get Pup out for a walk. Other than everything being covered in a layer of mud the place looked unscathed. 

Back at home I had a surprise in the mailbox. The replacement for my Buggy Barbie was here. This one is even better. She's wearing THE dress. It's the one MY Barbie had. 


  1. The new Barbie was a good consolation for the rough day!

  2. I'm glad you could be rewarded after cleaning and mopping with a non-Buggy Barbie! That clearing sky looks lovely and I'm hoping it stays that way for a while.

  3. Hmmmm, I’ve never thought about making soup in my rice cooker. I might do that this weekend.

  4. Barbie looks like she is ready to sing at the nightclub.

    Glad you came through the storm mostly okay. We made out ok too. Just a little haze of water by the sump pump that did its job all through the night.

  5. Nice to see the blue in the sky. Still a bit windy here, but the sun is out!!

  6. I wish our sky looked like that! At the moment we are having teeny tiny hail which made for an interesting walk. Glad you're happy with your new Barbie.

  7. Barbie is gorgeous! I'm glad the weather has cleared and you got your chores done so you could have fun at the loom. We're expecting another blizzard tonight and tomorrow with -49F to -59F wind chills. We won't be above zero day or night for the next four days, maybe Tuesday. Yuck. I'm ready for the Carribean cruise next week!
