Wednesday, January 24, 2024

A Change in the Weather


By the time you read this all my lovely snow will be gone. The headache I had yesterday told me a change was on the way. We were going from the teens to the 60's by Friday and guess who decided at the last minute to go out and shovel what was left of the snow yesterday. We've been getting along just fine with it where it was. I honestly think he was just trying to get out of the serious housework that was happening inside. 

In case it was actually another case of ants in the pants I got him out a puzzle. We're looking at three days of rain ahead and the idea of being cooped up with him was not making me happy. Of course I can't tell him the puzzle is for him or he would just object claiming he's too busy.  So I just set it up and then work on it a little and then tell him I'm stuck and watch him finish it. Works every time. 


  1. Congratulations on figuring out how to wrangle an antsy husband! I'm also not looking forward to three days of rain and a husband who doesn't read or have many indoor hobbies, but maybe I'll try your puzzle trick.

  2. LOL I'm glad you know how to focus him!

  3. We may get up to 60 as well, here on the left coast. Winter is crazy this year.

  4. Hope he sticks with it! We are supposed to get rain all week and then some. That's better than snow though; at least you don't have to shovel it.

  5. I love your master plan for keeping him busy!
