Saturday, January 27, 2024

Hot Stuff


Yesterday it was 75 degrees out. I had every window and door open and the ceiling fans on. 

As nice as that sounds, it was awful.  Everything was a muddy mess from all the snow and things that shouldn't be popping up are popping up through it already. Those are either my crocus or my narcissus. I can't tell which.

I knew it. My poor camellias are frost burned. They've been trying to bloom for weeks now and this heat wave is forcing them into it too early. 

It was not a pleasant day. The heat made me tired and all that I accomplished other than a lot of scrubbing and cleaning was a half hearted attempt at another star block. It's hard to believe just days ago I was sliding down my ice and snow covered back yard and yesterday I was about to have a heat stroke. Mother Nature needs to get herself on some meds. She's just not behaving very rationally these days. 


  1. It warmed up here too - but not that much! It's just above freezing - enough to melt the snow and flood the fields

  2. It's hard when plants get mixed up like that, isn't it? It's 52 here at the moment, and our plants are liking that, but we've sure had a lot of rain. I hope we don't get freezing temps again though.

  3. The warm front didn't quite get to us in NJ as we were in the 40s and rainy all day. Today's another gray day but at least it's not raining, and then we're a bit colder next week. 75 is far too warm for January so I hope it cools down in MD.

  4. I am savoring the warmth! Sorry it is making a muddy mess for you! The new block looks good!

  5. That's crazy! Why can't weather just be normal?
