Sunday, January 28, 2024

Here Come the Brides


The very last of last month's midnight Barbie shopping arrived yesterday. I had won her in an auction but the seller for whatever reason couldn't get her mailed out until the 20th. 

Just look at that little blue garter she came with. I had a total squee moment over it. I wanted her bad enough to bid on her because not only is she an original 50's reproduction but she has red hair. Growing up all my Barbies were red haired. My middle sister had all brown haired ones and my youngest had blonde. That's how we could tell who belonged to who and reduce the chances of any squabbles-but I can assure you there were still plenty of squabbles.

Speaking of bride dolls, look what I found in my grandmother's box of photos last week. I remember my sister coveting her like crazy when we were little. We were not allowed to touch her. The next time I see my sister I am going to hand her over to her because the last thing I need is another creepy old doll around here. I've got plenty.

And....this is a hint to my other Barbie loving blog friend out there. The #1 coveted Barbie doll last year was.....sold out and is going for a fortune on ebay right now. know how Daughter's student works in the doll designing industry? Guess what he managed to get for me. I don't have her yet. She's at Daughter's waiting for me to get up there to get her but nothing is stopping me from putting together a wardrobe fit for the white witch of rock and roll in the meantime. 

Some of it's already arrived. 


  1. The first bride I recognize but not the rock 'n roll person! I'm glad for you , though! lol

  2. You're going to need a whole closet just for barbie clothes! I love it!

  3. I'm so happy you got the Barbie of your dreams!

  4. Looks like you're having lots of fun with Barbie!

  5. I'm excited for you for your red-haired wedding Barbie and for the thrill of a Stevie Nicks Barbie!
