Sunday, January 21, 2024

This and That


I'm not sure how I did it but I actually got to work on stuff yesterday. Getting up at 3:30 am helps. I don't know what it is but I can't sleep past that time anymore. As soon as the chores were done, I made time for the Juki. 

I got one more star block made. I took this photo right before I sewed the top points on backwards. Rip, rip, rip but since I wasn't being bothered by anyone or anything I didn't even mind. 

I got a decent sized section of gray hooked on the snowman. 

And finished joining the first row of Audun.
Maybe it was all the snow or the bitter cold or the wind. I don't know but The Mister and the critters all resigned themselves to leaving me the heck alone for a change and doing their own things. Give me more of that please. 


  1. I just don’t know how you do it! Up at 3:30 and ‘going to town’ on all your projects…and they look amazing. Love LOVE the Audun, quilts and hooked rug- ☃️! It’s lovely to see your progress —thanks for sharing all your work. Stay warm and well, take care. xo, Virginia

  2. I also love time to myself except I'm lucky that I haven't had to make that happen at 3:30 am! Here's hoping that with more snow, cold, and wind happening again today you'll get more time to yourself!

  3. Love all the projects! I told Dave to leave me alone today. I ran him all over the place yesterday - today Im in the studio!

  4. Great progress on your projects! I wouldn’t have any energy if I got up at 3:30 AM.

  5. Wow that's amazing work! I really can't sleep past 5:30 these days but just hang out in bed if Scout is still sleeping. You got an awful lot done--congrats!

  6. Love seeing your projects and the progress you are making. The star blocks are going to be wonderful.

  7. I can not fathom getting up at 3:30 a.m. That's about the time I go to bed. I just scanned back through several of your posts and love all the stitching you've been doing. I've been wanting to start another granny square afghan but the thought of dealing with all the little ends... Even if it was wet and sloppy, your snow looks better than ours. Ours barely covered the grass then turned to freezing rain before regular rain. We've had crazy amounts of rain lately and we are even 'water front' now because the swamp is so flooded. We aren't in any danger though - as long as our sump pump keeps working. Hope you're staying warm during this cold snap!

  8. It's about time things settled into a better routine for you again!!! I love all of the projects but 3:30am is rough on you!
