Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tiny Needle Tuesday and a Little Sunlight


There was absolutely nothing very interesting happening here tiny needle-wise this week. I've been waiting for this to show up. I was going to get it started yesterday but The Mister designated it Do Our Taxes Day so nothing but that got accomplished. 

The BIG news is that this arrived. Unbelievably, someone was selling it on eBay of all places...

...and what was even more unbelievable was that is was indeed a match. I had no idea what color my sad little pile of yarn actually was and took a chance on some Sunlight that paid off.  I can't thank all of you enough for your suggestions and stash diving on my behalf. I really had no idea Knit Picks even had discontinued Palette colors and that's sad because this is a particularly useful color when doing colorwork. 

Now I'm afraid to go look in the box where I keep my in-progress Chestnut. Bon Amie was just a test knit to see if my steeking will work on the main event which is this one. Chestnut may have to go from a pullover to a vest if there are more discontinued colors in that box. I can't possibly be this lucky more than once.

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