Monday, March 17, 2025

Corned Beef and Cabbage


Today's big plans are to make The Mister's favorite dinner. He gets antsy if he doesn't have a corned beef in the freezer when March rolls around. All of his life he's been under the impression that he's Irish but his DNA is decidedly German/Swiss. The Irish name he carries around is a remnant of one long ago Irish dude who hopped a boat over here but then married a German lady. This scenario repeated itself over and over through many generations until the familial Irish DNA was less than 2%, poor guy. I keep telling him there's always Oktoberfest.

No matter. Today we are all Irish. The Mister was out shopping last week and decided I needed this since we discovered I'm more Irish than he is. I had to laugh. I'm not sure in what galaxy this makes any sense but I'm sure it's one far, far away. 
Happy St Patrick's Day and may the force be with you!

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