Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday


It's the last TNT of the year and I'm going to shock you by saying that I am NOT going to pack the Christmas Quaker away just yet. That empty frame has some birds in the middle that need doing and there is a heart under the reindeer that I want to stitch. Then I will pack it away until next year and go looking for something else to do. 

Speaking of next year, I've already got it planned out. Along with the Christmas Quaker, I am going to work on this forgotten little project as an Advent stitch. I won't get it done in one Christmas but maybe two. I'm looking forward to it. 

As for Dear Jane, it would have been nice to end the year with a completed Row D but alas, this one  block tripped me up so badly that I've just been sitting here looking at it for weeks. It will be done by next Tuesday, I swear.

I also fell behind on my Patchwork of the Crosses schedule. I have plenty of them finished so it's time to start appliqueing them down. I hope to start that process this week too. 
So many plans, so little time. 

Happy New Year's Eve!
We are doing absolutely nothing again this year other than sharing our traditional bag of chips with some onion dip probably around 10ish. Tomorrow we'll be off to watch a bunch of fools jump in the bay. The Mister used to do it but I've convinced him not to. I told him all those fancy new artificial parts might rust. 


  1. Beautiful stitching - it does take hours and hours. My DD announced this was a hobby invented by pioneer people who had a lot of empty hours to fill.

  2. You got a lot done on the Quaker project and Dear Jane would drive me nutso!
    I just don't understand people who enjoy jumping into the freezing water. It's crazy.
    We're planning to go see a movie tomorrow with our friends but got a call tonight that she's been sick for days. She thinks it's her diabetic meds doing it as it's been happening off and on for a few months. In any case, we'll be home by 9:00 and Dennis will be in bed by 9:15. lol I'll stay up till midnight as I'm usually still awake anyway. We never go out or celebrate much. The people on the road scare me.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. "So many plans and so little time" is so very, very true. I bet I would have a heart attack if I did a polar plunge!

  4. Your stitching looks really nice and you have surely planned ahead! We're not having anything special tonight (leftovers, in fact) but chips and dip are two things I never allow myself to have, but they sure sound good. Wishing you and The Mister a very Happy New Year!

  5. Ha! the rest of our joints are rusty as it is--no messing with the replacement parts! The stitching is beautiful. Happy new year!

  6. Wishing you and the Mister a wonderful new year!

  7. Lovely stitching--I think the black make it a little less Christmasy (and so very stunning). I think an advent cross stitch is a fun idea--I was very envious of Kim (Georgia Kim) and her advent stitching. Happy New Year.

  8. It's such a relief to just stay home and even go to bed before Midnight, isn't it? Enjoy your chips and dip!
