Friday, April 26, 2024

Willy Nilly


I got a shipment of sock yarn yesterday but it's not for socks. 

It's to finish this #*@*$! warp. I need 370 ends, I have only 250 and I'm running out of yarn. I didn't realize how much yarn a long scarf would take. I'm not talking about a Dr. Who length scarf, I'm talking about something just long enough to wrap around my neck.  I call it the Willy Nilly scarf because I was inspired by the weaving of Teresa Dunne. Her wildly colored and patterned scarves are a sight to behold. 

The towel that is now on the loom is getting pretty long but I'm going to keep on going. It'll be nice to hang on the oven door this fall. 

And.......I need to thank Terri who shared with me her lovely short stories, drawings and songs based on her childhood in rural Ohio. It's all too easy in this busy world to forget about those simpler times so it's good to know someone who is still keeping those precious memories alive. Terri is also the author of A Cultured Girl, a Collection of Poems and Short Stories. 


  1. I like Teresa Dunne's weaving and your towel is lovely, too. Good luck with your Willy Nilly scarf!

  2. Always a good day when something fun comes in the mail!

  3. The scarf will be so much fun to weave when you can just let go and enjoy the colors!!!! Beautiful gift from Terri!

  4. That's going to be one expensive scarf with all of that sock yarn! I'll bet it's going to be beautiful though. That towel is great, perfect for fall.

  5. Love that towel, and can't wait to watch the progress of the Willy Nilly!

  6. Amazing colors. (This from a fellow watching-TV-shows-about-murder girl.)
