Monday, April 8, 2024

Happy Eclipse Day!


Did you know that these solar glasses expire? I didn't until I was watching the Weather Channel yesterday morning. It's a good thing I bought some new ones from a NASA approved vendor last week. I was going to just re-use the ones we had from 2017.

I always get some serious Independence Day vibes when this outer space stuff happens. We're only getting an 80% coverage here but it's still pretty exciting. It'd be so much cooler though if a giant space ship was hiding behind the sun and made it's appearance just when we are all looking up, right? I guess a few minutes of shade isn't as much fun but it's a whole lot safer. We all know what happened to these folks. 


  1. I'm hoping to get some shade today instead of the cloud coverage that 'ruined' the 2017 one for us! lol

  2. We're supposed to have 80% coverage here today too. We have bright sunshine instead of the clouds that were predicted. I don't have glasses though so I won't be looking at it. I remember the one in 2017. I was at the lake and it got dark and quiet. I did have glasses then but the weirdest thing to me was the absolute silence. No birdsong or geese honking, etc.
    I hope you get a great view.

  3. We're only supposed to be at 90% but I hope we stay cloud-free and I'll see what I see this afternoon!

  4. We (my dog and I) were out to catch what little of the eclipse to be seen here. Amazing.
