Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Wednesday WIPs


The big news is that I pulled this out and put a few rounds on it this week. We've had LOTS of rain and I was bored with everything else so I spent a wet morning with Bon Amie, drinking tea and listening to my little radio. 

My other colorwork project got a few more rounds done. I did a decrease rounds which is always exciting. Woo hoo.

The fingering weight gray blob is still in search of those 15 elusive inches I need before I start the ribbing. The worsted weight blob has a lot more sleeve. 

And....row six of Audun is halfway attached. It's big. It's heavy but it's still cool enough to want it in my lap. Mother Nature needs to give me four more weeks of this and it will be a very done deal. 


  1. In about four weeks you may suddenly have a lot of FO!

  2. I love the variety of yarn projects in the works; such beauty waiting for their turn in your hands!

  3. That's a LOT of sweaters in progress. I've never had more than one on the needles at one time. Audun is gorgeous. It makes me want to start another blanket.

  4. The last few days here have been so beautiful, and I've been doing lots of yardwork, but since today is rainy, I'll maybe get some more knitting done, too.

  5. Nice progress on all fronts!

  6. Bon Amie looks wonderful, and Audum is incredible looking too. It doesmake me want to learn to crochet.

  7. It's funny how you pick an all-one-stitch project thinking it will be done in no time, but then it gets SO boring!

  8. I am always in admiration of your colourwork. I just picked up an Alice Starmore book at a thrift store for $3. Maybe one day I'll attempt one of her patterns - for now I'm content to just look at the pretty pictures and dream
