Sunday, April 21, 2024

To Market, To Market...


It's that time! The Mister is always wildly excited about our community Farmer's Market on Saturday morning. He hits the coffee stand and then enjoys a bit of browsing. 

This time of year it's mostly plants and baked goods. He came home with cinnamon buns and whoopee pies. I came home with impatiens and petunias. 

We strolled our goodies back to the car via the boardwalk and enjoyed an early morning calm. A dead calm. After weeks of rain, wind and flooding it was nice to see things settling down. We even had a minute of sun later that afternoon.

I had my first fire in a long while after dinner. I sat all by myself feeding it with old wood and watched the sun go down. A rare moment of quiet to end the day. 


  1. Such pretty flowers at the market and I love your fire. We're supposed to go camping with friends for several days next Sunday after church. I hope to have one of those fires every night.

  2. That sounds like a lovely day! I don't know what I like better - delicious baked goods or beautiful plants.

  3. So glad you got some nice plants! And baked goods!
