Thursday, July 18, 2019

Back on the Road

 My not so restful rest day was over in a flash and yesterday I was back to spinning along with the Tour.

 Every year I dig out my spindle collection and remind myself why I love them so much.

 Then I pack them away until next year which makes no sense. Maybe I need to keep my little spinning nook set up in the living area all the time. It's pretty much just me and The Mister anymore so who really cares what the place looks like.

I never did get much knitting done yesterday but I did get the skeins balled up for the Northern Lights hat. This is going to be quite the yarny adventure. This is some pretty wonky handspun.

I need to remind myself that this is what it looked like when I started. It was a fleece named Finley that I washed four years ago. The fact that it turned into yarn at all is pretty much a miracle.


  1. Beautiful spindles and wool. I tried a drop spindle and failed miserably. I appreciate the skill it requires.

  2. That hat is going to be lovely! Those colours are fab!

  3. Ooh, I love the yarn you made with Finley. It's so pretty and will make a very nice hat.
    Every year when you talk about your spindles it makes me want to try it, but then I remember my back and think that maybe drop spindles aren't such a great idea after all.

  4. Goodness! The hat is going to be gorgeous!!

  5. It is amazing to see what the fleece started as and what it looks like today. And there is still the finished object ahead. You are very talented!

  6. The excitement of what will all come out at the other end of our fleece is a major part of the thrill! I love the spindles, too, but never use mine!

  7. The Finley handspun is going to become a lovely hat! Love those colors!

  8. Lovely colors, it will be perfect for a hat! Wish I could spin, maybe someday:)

  9. I can recommend a permanent craft nook in the living room. I have a little corner with a bookshelf, a crate of materials and a tin of tools. Even if you don't have a lot of room, you could just keep your spindles on display in a pretty vase or large decorative dish or similar - then you will have no reason to forget about them and you can enjoy them even if you aren't in the middle of using them Sometimes the dreaming and thinking of crafting can be just as soothing and fun as actually doing it.
