Thursday, February 1, 2024



How about I start off the new month with some knitting for a change. It's something I do everyday but hardly post about it anymore because it always looks the same. Exhibit A: The gray blobs. They are both past the sleeve split I am happy to say. 

I am turning the heel on the Croc sock. I've got some nice jogs going down the back but I don't mind. The second Riddari sleeve is getting longer. I'll be happy to start that yoke. 

I've also taken the time to sit down and learn how to turn the corner onto the second row of joining Audun. I can't believe I let this sit in time out for so long. It's not nearly as hard or scary as I thought all that joining would be.

I know it's just the first of February but look what I found on my walk yesterday. It won't be long now but I would like a little more snow please. 

But......the biggest excitement yesterday was seeing this guy. It looks like a duck but it's not. It's a HUGE brown pelican. We have never seen one before and it was spectacular. 

I could have sat there all day and watched it dive bomb the water and then belly flop in with a big splash to catch whatever it was fishing for. What a sight it was. 

I wish I could have gotten a closer photo but here's one from Wikipedia Commons that looks just like it. I had no idea they were native to the bay area. I hope I see it again. 


  1. Is there any flower sweeter than crocuses?

  2. Pelicans are so fun to watch. All your knitting looks great. I'm looking forward (once I'm done working) to making more Granny Squares and finally crocheting mine all together. I'm sure it is not difficult...just time consuming.

  3. You've got a knitting or crochet project for every mood! It's at least a month early for crocus here but that bunch is beautiful. I saw a pelican in FL but didn't know they were native to your area. I hope you see him again!

  4. I'm glad your knitting is behaving! The crochet blocks look great on the joining! Lovely pelican--very entertaining birds!

  5. Love the pelicans! They hang out here from June-September and it is always fun to watch them hang around (and fish!).

  6. Excellent knitting and I love the crocuses! It will be at least a month and a half before I see any here. No pelicans either!

  7. Crocuses! One of my very favorite spring flowers. It will be a long, long time before we have any here. Although it's warmish right now, it won't last very long.
    Your projects look great and I'm glad they are all doing well for you. Audun is beautiful. I'm joining some 4 round granny squares into a wheelchair lapghan right now and finished a pair of socks while driving. (Well, you know what I mean. While Dennis was driving.) Ha!
    That pelican is gorgeous. I've never seen one in person before either. How special that you have seen one.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. Boy, I sure can relate with the gray yarn stuff. I just finished those huge socks and now am working on a gray sweater. Fortunately the sun came out here today finally, so the skies weren't gray, too. Lucky you to have crocuses already! I just got excited today because I saw two dandelions! Pelicans are fun to watch, aren't they? We mostly have herons here though.

  9. Oh wow! I thought pelicans spent their time in warmer waters. All your knitting looks geat! I used that type of join on a crocheted blanket and it really was pretty easy, and quick, but I had to look at the directions for almost every corner where I was joinging 4 blocks.
