Saturday, April 24, 2010

Not Again!

Smaller needles + smaller yarn =another giant hat. I thought I had the gauge thing figured out this time around. I also left out several rows of the pattern just to be on the safe side. Even Daughter can't pull off this look. I think me and the moose are done for good this time. For crap's sake.


  1. I love the hat...too bad it turned out huge.

  2. I was just told I can't give up yet. Smaller needles this time? I can't take out any more of the pattern or the moose will be legless.

  3. That's the perfect size for my hubby. Poor guy can never find a hat to fit his big ass head.

  4. Did you knit it with pure wool? If so...felt it. It will shrink by a 1/3. That's what I did. Good luck! :)
