Sunday, December 29, 2024

Right as Rain


I made good on my promise to put my holiday clutter away. As soon as the rain started on Saturday my headache vanished and I had plenty of energy to spend the morning running up and down the stairs. 

I had to carefully pack away all the glass ornaments that I had put up for the first time in years. They all survived. The kitties could have cared less.

I had piles and piles to put away. Everything is still a jumble outside the closet they will live in. I don't take the lights down or put away the twinkling things until New Year's so there is no sense packing it all in until it's all down. 

It's nice to have breathing room again. So what does one do when the tree is  down and gifts put away? Play with your dollies, of course. Midge and Movie Barbie looked chilly in their summer frocks so I put them in something sturdier and went off to shop for some even sturdier winter clothes.

And....yesterday I learned of the untimely passing of my favorite Juliet. If you are a lady of a certain age you were probably as mesmerized as I was by Zeffirelli's version of Shakespeare's tragedy. Even today, whenever I feel the need for a good cry, I put on the beautiful soundtrack and just wail away. It's going to hit even harder now I'm afraid.


  1. I didn't decorate too much, and I'm glad because that means I don't have too much to put away. I think I'll wait a few days before packing away the holy raccoon and hedgehogs that have been a part of the nativity set since my kids were little.

  2. I am so sad about Olivia Hussey as well. You don't realize how deeply someone lives in your life until they leave it.

  3. Glad the migraine cleared up - they are the worst!

  4. I have all Christmas put away and snowmen in it's place. Although we haven't had any snow worth mentioning, yet. Just a dusting weeks and weeks ago. That could change soon though as the temps are supposed to plummet.
    I had heard about your Juliet. How sad.
