Friday, August 28, 2015

Unfinished Business

I filled up a cart with quilt batts at Walmart the other day. I am finally getting serious about that pile of unfinished Daddio quilts.

 Anything that has a backing ready to go is getting sandwiched.

 I know I've said it before but I love this stuff. I don't overdo it. A little spritz here or there works miracles.

 The dining room is awash with Daddio's crazy patchwork.

This one is getting stitched in the ditch. What I really need now is a better machine for quilting. I'm hoping Santa is listening. A Janome 1600 P with a Gracie Queen frame would be nice. Ho, ho, ho.


  1. A Janome 1600 P with a Gracie Queen frame ----- here, we'll say it again in case Santa only reads the comments.

    Hope he is reading along! :-)

    The Daddio colors are so happy and bright.

  2. Ooh - i will have to give that spray stuff a try

  3. Oh, that would be a great present!!!
    It's so nice to get the tops turned into quilts!


    Did you see this? You'd still have to get a machine, but in a pinch you could use yours till you get it..

    1. So tempting!!!!! But after thinking about it, I have NO place for a frame that big. :(

    2. That's why I'm passing it by. We entertain just often enough that we still "need" a living room and visiting grand kids need someplace to sleep.

  5. You sure do stay busy! I will have to check out Walmart for batting.
