Monday, August 24, 2015

Slipping Away

 The summer certainly has flown by, hasn't it?

 Most of my teacher friends have already gone back to work to prepare for the students who will be returning this week. I sure didn't get much stitching done this month but I've got lots of good excuses. September should be better.

I've still got a few more days to work on my August block. The little rabbit hiding behind a watermelon is stitched from the one color I've run out of in the kit so some matching has to be done before I can continue. It won't take long. I think I've got every color ever made stashed in one place or another.


  1. Better find it before it hops away! lol Summer is peaking around here; school started last week, too.

  2. Aw.. Love a bunny in the melon patch. HOW CUTE. Love seeing your stitching in any phase
